The Three R's - Responsibility (Part 2)
En-Witching Maggie Haseman En-Witching Maggie Haseman

The Three R's - Responsibility (Part 2)

Here are nine ways to take responsibility for your own thoughts, words, and actions so that you can be the hero in your life story (not the victim). Through following these ideas you will raise your vibration, gain control over your circumstances and ultimately have a better understanding of your power.

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The Three R's - Responsibility (Part 1)
En-Witching Maggie Haseman En-Witching Maggie Haseman

The Three R's - Responsibility (Part 1)

One of the hardest aspects of witchcraft and understanding the forces of the Universe, is taking responsibility for your life. It’s really easy to take responsibility for the joyful parts of your life, but when it comes to taking responsibility for the undesirable things, many of us are more willing to play the victim.

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The Three Rs - Respect (Part 2)
En-Witching Maggie Haseman En-Witching Maggie Haseman

The Three Rs - Respect (Part 2)

I believe that witches ought to show respect to other people and their culture, experiences and beliefs. And, at the same time, I believe it is important for witches to determine what they find to be respectful and disrespectful from their own perspective and stand up for their beliefs.

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The Three Rs - Respect (Part 1)
En-Witching Maggie Haseman En-Witching Maggie Haseman

The Three Rs - Respect (Part 1)

Most witches align themselves with the natural world in one way or another. Maybe you are in tune with the seasonal changes or the moon phases. Maybe you work with herbs or crystals or animals when crafting spells and charms. I believe that witches ought to show respect toward the natural world that we depend on for survival.

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Three Strategies for Raising Your Vibration
En-Witching Maggie Haseman En-Witching Maggie Haseman

Three Strategies for Raising Your Vibration

In this post I’ll give you three strategies for raising your vibration in order to shift your thought and behavior patterns: meditation, journaling and expressing gratitude. These three tools will help you make a shift in your patterns by helping you be mindful about your thoughts and feelings.

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Limiting and Empowering Beliefs
En-Witching Maggie Haseman En-Witching Maggie Haseman

Limiting and Empowering Beliefs

Thought forms occur in two forms: limiting or empowering. Both types of thought forms are beliefs that you hold about your own capabilities and what is possible for you. Limiting beliefs place a limit on what you can do in you life. Empowering beliefs empower you to achieve what you want out of life.

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Thoughtforms: The Building Blocks of Your Reality
En-Witching Maggie Haseman En-Witching Maggie Haseman

Thoughtforms: The Building Blocks of Your Reality

One of the hardest parts of working with the Law of Attraction is changing your thought and behavioral patterns. Every time you repeat a certain thought or behavior you re-establish it. However, It is possible to change your thoughts in order to attract the circumstances you want into your life.

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Failure is an Illusion
En-Witching Maggie Haseman En-Witching Maggie Haseman

Failure is an Illusion

There are two different kinds of failure. There is the failure that comes through putting limits on your own abilities and the failure that arrives just before the success. Learn how to develop your mindfulness, become open to all possibilities, and believe beyond what you can see.

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Overcoming the Opinions of Nay-Sayers
En-Witching Maggie Haseman En-Witching Maggie Haseman

Overcoming the Opinions of Nay-Sayers

That’s what we’re going to talk about in this post. How to stay in alignment and focused on your dreams even when people doubt you. How to keep your manifesting momentum up in the presence of loving naysayers. How to remain confident even when the people who are supposed to support you are being so unsupportive.

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Believing Without Seeing
En-Witching Maggie Haseman En-Witching Maggie Haseman

Believing Without Seeing

Let’s talk about the leap of faith we often need in manifesting our desires. The believing in something without actually seeing it. The mutual trust that practicing witchcraft requires. It’s about turning the popular phrase, “I’ll believe it when I see it,” around to say, “I’ll see it when I believe it.”

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What is Cultural Appropriation? Part 2
En-Witching Maggie Haseman En-Witching Maggie Haseman

What is Cultural Appropriation? Part 2

The cultural appropriation conversation tends to focus on conflict over who’s ancestors own what. But what are we really angry about? What is at the heart of cultural appropriation? I’d like to make the argument that it’s not about the thing, the practice, the word, the clothing. It’s actually about the oppression

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What is Cultural Appropriation? Part 1
En-Witching Maggie Haseman En-Witching Maggie Haseman

What is Cultural Appropriation? Part 1

This is a touchy subject, not that I’m afraid to talk about it. It may take you to a dark place in yourself. It may make you angry with me because I might present ideas that feel uncomfortable. You may feel personally attacked as you are forced to reflect on your own actions. But please, hear me out and stick with me until the end.

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The Only Good Reason Not to Curse
En-Witching Maggie Haseman En-Witching Maggie Haseman

The Only Good Reason Not to Curse

Hexes and curses are types of spells that are cast to inflict misfortune on others. Today I want to explore this type of magick. I see a lot of people arguing about whether cursing is okay or jumping into doing it without understanding. Let’s clear up the confusion.

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Blessings and Protection Magick
En-Witching Maggie Haseman En-Witching Maggie Haseman

Blessings and Protection Magick

Blessings and protection Magick may not seem to go together, but these are often the type of spells you would cast on yourself but also onto the people you care about. In other words, you influence the fate of another through your own will.

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The Law of Attraction: the Framework
En-Witching Maggie Haseman En-Witching Maggie Haseman

The Law of Attraction: the Framework

The Law of Attraction is a concept that sums up the workings of the Universe as, “like attracts like.” Your thoughts create your reality, so to change your reality you need to align your thoughts with what you want, whatever you want.

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How Perfectionism is Sabotaging your Dreams
En-Witching Maggie Haseman En-Witching Maggie Haseman

How Perfectionism is Sabotaging your Dreams

Magick is all about going with the flow, and going with the flow is the opposite of perfectionism. Perfectionism is swimming upstream or it is a boulder that blocks the flow of water. Perfectionism is when you are so focused on the need to be right, you miss the opportunity to be present.

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