Planning and Performing Your Personal Self Dedication Ceremony


A dedication ritual means exactly what it sounds like it means: you are dedicating yourself to witchcraft and telling yourself and the Divine that this is the path you wish to pursue. For some, the dedication ceremony is an important step to connect to witchcraft.

A dedication ceremony means that you are ready to devote yourself fully to your practice whatever that means to you. If everything still feels right, and if you still feel like Witchcraft is the path for you after studying and researching, now is the time to perform a self-dedication ritual. And even if you’ve been practicing for a while, you can perform a re-dedication ceremony.

For some, the dedication ceremony is an important step toward connecting with witchcraft and the spiritual journey. It can be formal or casual, but treat it as a commitment that you are making. I would suggest not doing it at random or without significant thought beforehand.

This is a self dedication ritual workbook for you to follow based on my own self-dedication ceremony. For me the dedication ceremony was an important part of helping me feel connected to my magic. I believe very much in symbolism and as such, holding a dedication ceremony really made me feel like I was a witch by the end of it. Even though, as a solitary witch, I was the only person in the room and I was the only one who knew it was happening, I feel like that made it more meaningful because I was doing it for me.

Thirteen Celebrations

There are thirteen themes for your dedication, I call them celebrations. For witches thirteen is the perfect number. It is important to the sacred geometry of this Universe. It reflects a pattern that exists in humans, nature, and the heavens: there are thirteen major joints in your body, there are 13 lunar cycles in a solar year, and the moon travels thirteen degrees across the sky every day. 

The number thirteen represents good luck and moving with the flow of divine energy. Going with the flow is an important part of a witch's perspective. Fighting against the tide is akin to fighting against change and making bad situations even worse than they already are. Going with the flow of change, on the other hand, brings peace and harmony.

How to Use this Book

Each celebration has an assigned a material and a corresponding characteristic or theme. The themes here are ideas for how you can frame your dedication process. Through research, questions and my own experience I assigned a material and a corresponding characteristic or theme to each celebration. These characteristics are traits I value in others and myself.

The first four celebrations honor the four elements of ancient magic and philosophy: fire, earth, air, and water. The following celebrations are extensions of these basic elements and other influential elements in your environment. The final celebration honors the fifth element of spirit.

Throughout this book you will find positive affirmations based on the theme of the celebration, journal writing prompts, and activities to help you reflect on yourself, honor the theme and to prepare you for the celebration.

For each celebration, you will have a chance to design a symbol or sigil to represent the theme. Only you will know what this symbol means, which will give it that much more power. Later on you can use these powerful symbols to super charge your magic. Embroidery one into spell bags, include one next to your signature, carve one into the top of a cookie before baking, create divination tools, and more! 

The workbook is full of everything you need for your very own solitary witch self-dedication ceremony.

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