Posts tagged grimoire how to make
Time for Magic: Consistently Inconsistent

In this post, I share a few tips for being more consistent in your witchcraft practice. I also give you permission to allow some inconsistency into your practice and to always do your best, whatever your best is at any given moment. Read to learn about self care and how magic ebbs and flows.

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Why you NEED a Grimoire for Witchcraft

Seven reasons: you’ll see how you’ve grown, understand your own style, have a record of past spells, be able to edit spells to reflect your beliefs, leave a legacy of your practice, have an incredibly valuable resource, and it’s part of the magical process.

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What is a Grimoire and How to Keep Your Own

There is a longstanding tradition of witches carrying around their books of spells, rituals, incantations and other magical information, yet there is confusion about what exactly a grimoire is and how best to use one. No matter how long you’ve been practicing witchcraft, you can benefit from keeping and using a grimoire. 

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