5 Ways to Make the Most of Capricorn Season


You’re in the right place if you want to…

  • learn five ways to engage in Capricorn Season activities

  • understand how to use Rosemary as a medicinal and magical herb

  • discover how to bring the tarot into your life

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To start off the show, we look at our Tarot Card for the week and we look for moments that relate to this card in our daily lives.

For this week, we chose the Queen of Pentacles. The theme of this card is nurturing and care.

Looking at the Queen of Pentacles posture and position, she appears like she’s leaning forward to stand up. But instead of doing so to take action, I feel like she wants to crawl around on the ground and play with the rabbits. She’s an advice giver who would pull you into her lap and cuddle you and make you tea.

The fact that she is so close to a skittish creature like a rabbit is a clue to her overall nature. This Queen is very gentle, nurturing and careful. The rabbit as well as the lushness of her environment indicate fertility and creativity.

Her green veil is attached to the crown and it flows all the way down and touches the ground. The material of her clothing looks sort of stiff and rough. It’s plain and shapeless. She is blending in with the beautiful lush surroundings, like she is part of the ecosystem, really connected to the earth and grounded.


You can hear Erica’s and Maggie’s stories related to the King of Cups by listening to the episode.

5 Activities for Capricorn Season

Capricorn season begins sometime on Yule so around December 21st. The reason that the date is not set is because it is based on the position of the sun in relation to the Earth.

We are using the tropical astrology system and in this system, the zodiac sign that determines the zodiac season is not dependent on the actual position of the sun in a specific constellation, but rather a mathematically calculated designation of the zodiac wheel.

The zodiac wheel of the tropical system assigns the 0° of Aries to the spring equinox, the 0° of Cancer to the summer solstice, the 0° of Libra to the fall equinox, and the 0° of Capricorn to the winter solstice. Then, these four quadrants are divided into 3 30° sections.

Overall, the Capricorn energy is ambitious, with aspirations to reach the very top. The energy is characterized by careful plans and tireless effort. Capricorn proceeds at a regular pace with determination and tenacity. Once a goal is achieved, Capricorn looks for the next mountain to climb. This sign is serious and disciplined. Capricorn organizes and plans by setting long-term objectives and well-defined goals before making a move. Patient, cautious, and straightforward, Capricorn only worries about practical and tangible things.

Now that you know what to expect from the energy of Capricorn season, here are five things you can do to make the most of this energy...

Make plans for the future.

Think about what you want to achieve in the new year. The main secret to becoming a successful manifester of your life is planning and writing those plans down. The energy of Capricorn is slow and steady movement toward your dreams and the beginning is to make plans and record them for reference and accountability.

Be ambitious and strategic with your dreams.

Ambition means different things to different people. Here it means define your goals specifically and let nothing, not even yourself, limit you in achieving them. Capricorn energy reminds us that hard-work is required when it comes to achievements, but don’t let yourself become rigid or unwavering. Fluidity and adaptability is important too.

Allow yourself to be warm and show kindness.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, which is often considered to be a cold and serious planet. Allow the holiday cheer to continue into the beginning of the year and allow yourself to spread joy and goodwill to the people around you. Keep your promises to your loved ones and commit to your desires for your life.

Let go of control and perfectionism.

There is a difference between committing to something and controlling something. The need to control situations stems from perfectionism. It gives us a false sense that we have control. There are a few things you can control. You can control what you think, say and do. You can control how you react to other people and situations. And you can guide your emotions and your energy. But when you try to control your reality beyond these things, you put a divide between yourself and the divine. Magick is all about going with the flow, and going with the flow is the opposite of perfectionism. Perfectionism is swimming upstream or it is a boulder that blocks the flow of water.

Establish new traditions and rituals.

Capricorn energy thrives in tradition and ceremony. This time of year is often overflowing with traditional celebrations and activities that you participate in every year. Take this opportunity to add a new tradition or ritual to your life, something you can repeat over and over and pass on to your loved ones.


This post is brought to you by Rosemary

  • MEDICINAL - Tonifies the nervous system and memory; improves circulation, reduces cellulite and varicose veins, prevents cold extremities, and helps with strains, bruises, and sprains; invigorates lungs; promotes immunity and protects against mouth sores; improves digestion; stimulates hair growth and prevents dandruff.

  • MAGICAL - Corresponds with everything—all purpose herb due to its world wide prolific growth; Promotes concentration, an energized mind, and focus, wear a wreath of rosemary; Associated with fertility and loyalty, include it in handfasting and wedding ceremonies; Use is bath magic, hand washes, charm bags, and poppets for healing magic; Associated with the fae, leave as an offering and plant in faerie gardens.


Send us a voicemail

We play one listener voicemail on each episode of Talk Witchcraft, with a few exceptions. To send us a voicemail, record a voice memo on your phone and email it to welisten [at] talkwitchcraft [dot] com. Please keep in mind that we only choose voicemails that are two minutes in length or shorter (even if they’re great!).

What we’re looking for in a voicemail

  • Share from your personal experiences (especially experiences that we could never have) and use that to illuminate the zodiac season or theme in new ways.

  • Ask questions of Erica and Maggie, so we have an opportunity to respond meaningfully to your voicemail during the podcast.

  • Use one of these prompts: Is there something happening with you and your life that aligns with the current zodiac season or a Tarot card? How do your experiences show us something new about the magic, something that we haven’t talked about so far?

  • Send a voicemail even if you’re behind on the podcast. If your voicemail is about a previous episode, zodiac season, or tarot card; that doesn’t mean we won’t choose it!

Tips for recording a great voicemail

  • Make sure you’re somewhere quiet.

  • Plan what you’re going to say ahead of time, because two minutes goes quickly.

  • Opt for talking freely based on a bullet pointed list rather than reading word-for word from a script.

  • Let us know if you’d prefer to remain anonymous.

Wait, don’t go yet!

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Magical Planning for the New Year


The Meaning of Yule / The Winter Solstice