How to Use Magical Herbs

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Just like with any of the magical and spiritual practices you add into your daily life it can be challenging. Because of this, you might feel discouraged or like a “bad witch” if you don’t keep up with your practices on a regular basis. But let’s clear one thing up right now: there’s no such thing as a “bad witch,” but, we all feel this way at some point. We all get out of practice on occasion.

When it comes to using herbs in your magical practice, let’s start with the basics. There are some very simple and easy ways to keep up with your practice and adding it to your regular routine and daily life. Luckily, using herbs is one of the best ways to make any practice a bit more magical.

They’re generally easy to find for purchase, many grow without much guidance and a lot of the particularly magical plants are edible so they have a wide variety of uses.

Essential Herbs

I think the first step you’ll want to do is create a list of your essential herbs. These are herbs you’ll always want to have available to make into teas, spells, tinctures and more. You’ll want to choose herbs that you can grow or you can find easily in an herb shop or even the grocery store.


The next thing to do is to think about which type of herbalist practice interests you. Since herbalism is such a broad term and sort of a catch-all for everything associated with using herbs, you don’t want to get overwhelmed with choices.

With all magical practices, the best thing to do is to focus only on what truly captivates your attention. You only have a finite amount of energy to spend on every activity you pursue. If you aren’t really excited about something you aren’t going to make time for it and if you do make time for it you aren’t going to enjoy it and eventually the practice will decline. So, discover what you are truly passionate about when it comes to using plants in your magic.

To start focus on the one thing that matters most to you. And don’t be afraid to explore other herbalism tasks down the road when you have time to add more studies into your schedule.

Tell us in the comments below…

  • How would you like to use herbs magically in the future?

  • Do you want to create your own medicinal remedies?

  • Do you prefer baking and cooking?

  • Are you want to make your own cosmetics and beauty products?

  • Do you want to blend your own herbal tea?

  • Is this different from how you already use them?

Write and Schedule the Steps

At this point you know about which essential herbs you want to always have available to use or at least have an idea about how to create this list for yourself. You also may have begun deciding what kind of herbalism you would like to pursue or how you are going to be using herbs magically.

The next step may not seem very magical but I assure you it is quite important. You will want to make a step-by-step list of all the tasks you will need to do in order to use your herbs.

Writing these down will help you organize your mind so that the task doesn’t feel quite as overwhelming and it will give you an idea of how much time you will need to set aside to accomplish it. When you have the steps all laid out you will be able to plan more effectively.

Now you need to actually schedule these steps into your calendar. If you don’t schedule it you might forget and miss it. So create a plan for accomplishing each of those easy, bite-sized tasks over the course of a few days.

Commit to Your Study

Finally, I’d recommend including some sort of study of herbalism either daily or at the very least weekly. You might read an herbalism book as part of your morning with routine reading time. You could create a new herbal profile in your book of shadows every Monday. If you have a garden I’m sure you need to tend to it at least once a day.

I realize that this formulaic approach to spirituality is not necessarily the most exciting (unless you’re a virgo), but I really do believe that it can help to break down whatever it is you want to do into small, easily accomplished pieces. 

This is my approach to any new study, you can apply it to anything, crystals, tarot, astrology, whatever you’re interested in. Break it down into easy steps and schedule it into your calendar.



The Magical Herbs eCourse includes:

  • Lifetime access to video lectures (and transcripts)

  • More in-depth information about herbalism and using herbs

  • Downloadable PDF reference guides and worksheets

  • Forum for discussion and sharing experiences with other students


Have you used herbs in magic before? Tell me about your experiences in the comments below.


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