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Using Crystals for Witchcraft

You’re in the right place if you want to…

  • learn how to use crystals for magical workings and rituals.

  • understand why crystals are often used in witchcraft.

  • discover the definition of some words like crystals, rocks, and minerals.

  • learn how to cleanse and charge crystals for magical use.

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Why We Use Crystals

The first thing to know about crystals is a reminder about why we would want to use crystals and stones and minerals in witchcraft. If you recall in episode 7 of the podcast, I walked you through the steps I like to follow when casting a spell.

Step 3 is about choosing your materials. We choose materials based on the purpose of the spell that we determine in step 1, and the correspondences that we determine in step 2. Tangible materials like crystals and herbs, and intangible materials like color and symbols, give our mind something to focus on and anchor the abstract concept of our intention and the energy, spirits, deities, etc. that live in the spirit realm, into the physical realm.

So we choose crystals that align with the intention of the spell and are associated with, or correspond with, the spirit realm entities in order to represent those entities in the physical realm and start the manifestation process. 

Defining Crystal, Mineral, Rock, etc.

Now, I also want to define a bunch of words that are often used interchangeably. I use the word crystal as sort of a catch all term for all crystals, rocks, minerals, metals, and stones. This is for simplicity so I don’t run out of breath before listing all of these every time I want to talk about them collectively.

Truthfully, a crystal is something very specific and not all of the materials I consider a crystal are technically crystals. A crystal, by definition, is a highly organized solid substance. It is made up of atoms that form a repeating pattern called a crystal lattice. There are several types of crystal lattice patterns, which I will list now along with their magical use.

  • Hexagonal crystals are best used for manifesting.

  • Isometric crystals are great for amplifying energy.

  • Monoclinic crystals are for protection.

  • Orthorhombic crystals are great for cleansing and opening something to new energy.

  • Tetragonal crystals attract.

  • Triclinic crystals banish.

Now, a mineral is different from a crystal. A mineral has a specific chemical composition and is created underground by naturally occurring heat, liquid, and pressure.

A rock or stone is made up of two or more minerals and other natural substances. A rock can look like a crystal and can also be used magically the same way crystals are.

A gemstone is a polished crystal. A gemstone can also be cut for use in jewelry. A geode is a hollow rock with crystals growing inside.

As I mentioned, I will often talk about crystals as a collective term for all of these because witches use all of these for magical purposes and in spellwork. While the exact name of the material won’t change how you use it, I do think it is worth knowing the difference.

Content Upgrade

I want to mention quickly that I have created or consolidated several lists of crystals to use for a variety of purposes.

If you fill in the form below, I’ll send the lists directly to your inbox.

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Lists of crystals for:

  • love

  • protection

  • prosperity

  • personal power

  • creativity

  • lunar magic

  • grounding

  • self-expression

  • intuition

  • spirituality

Cleansing and Charging

Now let’s talk about cleansing and charging.

The difference between cleansing and charging is that cleansing sets up a crystal for a new task and charging assigns a task or restores a task it has already been given. The methods of cleansing and charging can be very similar, though, so really it comes down to your intention.


Remember that cleansing is how you remove excess energy from the crystal so that it can work for its highest potential. Cleansing prepares the crystal to accept your intention and cleanses it of any prior intentions or negative energy. Here are some cleansing methods:

  • MOONLIGHT - Place the crystal on a windowsill or somewhere protected outside where it can be touched by moonlight. The best time to cleanse crystals by moonlight is during the waning crescent phases and especially at the new moon.

  • INTENTION - Hold the crystal in your hand and imagine all negativity being washed away by your intention. Visualize a white light surrounding the stone.

  • BURYING - Bury the crystal in a potted plant or place it on top of the soil.

  • STORM - Place the crystals in a bowl and place the container outside on the ground before an oncoming storm. The water and lightning hitting the ground will send out vibrations to the bowls.

  • SMOKE - Light a sage stick, palo santo stick, or incense in a heat proof container. Hold the crystals approximately above the source of the smoke and let it surround the crystal.

  • SALT - Place the stone in a bowl and cover it with sea salt, table salt, or Epsom salt.

  • WATER - Let cool water run over a crystal to clean it.

  • RICE - Bury the crystal in a bowl of rice.

  • OTHER CRYSTALS - Select a geode, cathedral, or cluster to use for getting rid of unwanted energies in your crystal.

  • SOUND - Hold the crystal in your hand and ring a bell or chime with your other hand. Slowly move the bell in a counterclockwise direction around the stone.

  • PENDULUM - Hold a crystal or other type of pendulum above your crystal. The pendulum will rotate counter clockwise or move up and down, or left to right depending on your pendulum and how it designates “no”. When it is done cleaning it will move in the opposite direction or stop.

The method you choose will depend on what works best for you. You’ll also want to check whether your crystal can become damaged by a certain method. Some crystals can dissolve in water, and some can be scratched by other crystals.

Related: Crystal Cautions

Generally, I cleanse my crystals when I first get them and then if they need it, at the new moon. I charge them once a month at the full moon if they need it. I keep my crystals near at least one quartz wherever they are, and that seems to keep them pretty happy.


You can charge or recharge crystals when they don’t seem to be working the way they used to. Here are some charging methods. You will recognize some similar methods on this list.

  • MOONLIGHT - Moonstone and amethyst especially benefit from being charged by moonlight, or any crystal that is associated with water element. Choose the phase of the moon for charging based on the intention you have set of the crystal. The full moon is a good time for all purposes because the energy is at its peak.

  • SUNLIGHT - Carnelian, sunstone and citrine benefit from charging by the sun. Any crystal that is associated with fire can benefit from charging in the sunlight. You have to be careful, though, because some stones that are left in the sun for too long can fade. The best time to use the sun for charging is at Litha or summer solstice because the sun’s energy is at its peak. But you can charge crystals by the sun at any time of year

  • BURYING - Rhodonite and rose quartz love to charge through direct contact with the earth. Crystals that are associated with earth energy can also be charged this way. You can bury the crystal in soil or simply place it so that it touches earth.

  • SOUND - Crystals associated with the element of air like to be charged with sound. This includes lapis lazuli, sodalite and selenite. Place crystals in front of a speaker that is playing meditation music or use a bell, chimes, or drums to create vibrations to charge the crystals.

  • OTHER CRYSTALS - Some crystals like clear quartz, amethyst, citrine and selenite can be used to charge other crystals. Set this intention for the crystal then store with other crystals you’d like to charge.

Again, the method for charging will change based on the type of crystal and your intention. Be careful because crystals can become exhausted. They may go missing or even break if they are overworked, so give them a rest occasionally.

Using Crystals in Magic

Finally, we’ll talk about how to use crystals.

One way is simply to charge your crystal and then place it somewhere so that its energy can affect the energy of the environment, like a crystal charged with the intention to promote focus in the office and one to promote restful sleep in the bedroom.

I like to keep what I call guardian crystals on window sills to protect my home. I also keep what I call watch towers at high points in my home like the top of book cases.

You can create crystal grids with crystals which are basically intentionally designed patterns of crystals that amplify your desire for a specific outcome.

Crystals can be incorporated into bath rituals and spells. They infuse the water with their energy. It’s important to take care when adding crystals to bath water because some crystals can be damaged by water and some crystals are made of toxic chemicals that leech into the water and can seriously harm you as you soak.

You can add crystals to your garden and to potted plants in your home.

You can add crystals to spell jars and charm pouches based on your intention. You can use them in candle magic by arranging them around the candle or adding them to the wax.

You can leave crystals near tools and materials to charge them with the crystals’ energy.

And all of these can overlap of course. Each night, I like to create a crystal grid around the mug I want to use the next day to charge it with whatever energy I think I’ll need. 


Thank you for reading. In this post we covered why we use crystals in spellwork and ritual and the difference between the terms we use to describe this material. We also discussed how to cleanse, charge, and use crystals for witchcraft.

Join us in the Mumbles & Things Facebook group to chat about this episode with other witchy folks.

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