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Four Types of Dreams for Intuitive Guidance

You’re in the right place if you want to…

  • learn more about the art of dream interpretation

  • understand how dreams are one way your subconscious mind (or intuition) speaks to you

  • learn more about different types of dreams you may experience

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One of the most common ways for us to tap into our intuition is through our dreams. Everyone dreams nightly, whether you remember your dreams or not. You can learn to remember your dreams and, even more importantly, how to interpret what they are telling you.

Your dreams can guide you in decision-making, connect you with deceased loved ones and spirit guides, warn you of problems ahead, and offer you inspiration and creativity. You only need to pay attention.

Dreams can communicate positive and negative messages to us about ourselves, people we know and life in general. You are subconsciously working in your sleep to tap into your psychic ability.

Personally, I love to dream. It’s one of the reasons I look forward to falling asleep at night. In the beginning of my psychic development my dreams were the doorway to my intuition and Spirit communication. Usually in the beginning of your dream interpretation journey, your dreams will be remembered only as flashes and truncated storylines. When you start to become more aware you will have more vivid intuitive dreams about the past, present or the future.

Dream Interpretation Masterclass

Before we talk about different types of dreams, I wanted to mention that in the Mumbleship you’ll find a masterclass on Dream Interpretation. In this lesson, I share some tips for learning how to interpret your dreams.

You’ll also find a downloadable dream journal template and five exercises for helping you dream better, so that you can remember your dreams more easily, and ultimately be able to interpret them.

You can’t interpret your dreams if you can’t remember them right?

This masterclass is available to members of Mumbles Academy. You can enroll and access all of these tips and downloadable resources by clicking the button below. Once you’re a member, simply navigate to the Witch Topics Tab.

Types of Dreams

There are at many different ways to categorize your dreams. The ones that have the most to do with psychic development are daily life, psychic premonition, soul lessons and spirit communication. There are also nightmares, physiological, lucid, daydreams, and more, all of which are interesting to talk about but generally unrelated to the topic at hand, which is receiving psychic messages through dreams.

Daily Life

In our dreams we are able to better connect with our subconscious mind for information about our emotional, psychological and mental state. We can work through emotional clutter, life concerns and past issues in the dream state. In our dreams, we can also heal and release buried anger, sadness or resentment towards a situation or person. These are the types of dreams that are considered daily life dreams.

These are the dreams about things that are going on in your waking life. These can help you work through certain issues especially those that you are unsure how to handle on an emotional level. This category also includes the dreams that don’t seem to make much sense eat the time. You are still processing your feeling on a subconscious level, through symbols and scenarios.

Many daily life dreams are easy to interpret on the surface, but there is usually something below the surface that’s worth exploring. The interpretation creates a bridge between your conscious and subconscious mind and helps you to work through the situations you face in your waking life.

Remember the iceberg analogy. Your conscious mind is the tip of the iceberg that floats above the water. Your subconscious is the majority of the water that lies beneath the waters surface. And the water itself is the collective unconscious.

We are actively aware of all our daily activities but often unaware of our deeper thoughts and feelings. These are often hidden by our subconscious. But even hidden, these influence the conscious mind. This is why you may feel a certain way about something but have no logical reason in your conscious mind.

The collective unconscious is what connects all of our minds together. One ocean of common knowledge. There is also what is known as the superconscious, often thought of as the higher self or the soul. Your superconscious can access the collective unconscious through meditation, psychic sensations and dreaming.

When you are first starting out with dream interpretation, you would do well to invest in a dream dictionary as this can suggest common meanings for certain symbols. But as you continue recording your dreams, you may notice certain patterns repeat and your personal connection to certain symbols doesn’t match the collective meaning. Both are valid.

When we become so busy with mundane life responsibilities during the day, it may be nearly impossible to hear or listen to our intuition or pay attention to psychic impressions that may be received. These impressions will be subconsciously remembered and then communicated to you when you are in a relaxed dream state later.

This also can happen when you share a deep bond or connection with someone. You may start to receive psychic impressions about them in your sleep.

Intuitively, your dreams can also work with you to communicate powerful psychic messages, symbols and even premonitions. Dreams are a direct line to our higher selves, soul wisdom, Spirit and this unique invisible world that we can’t always feel in our waking state.

Psychic Premonition

Dreams can also communicate information about the future such as premonitions or information about the past like past lives. You may also receive past present or future information about someone else in your dreams.

Psychic premonition dreams are intuitive dreams about people, places and events that haven’t happened yet.

For a dream to be a premonition it has to show evidence of precognition, knowing something before it happens. Dreaming is just like any other tool psychics use to see the future: tarot cards, runes, astrology, crystal gazing, and the others.

Some people can go to sleep with the intention to have a premonition dream but most of the time, they just happen.

I’ve had a few premonition dreams in my life, usually very mundane and not life changing. The key way to recognize a premonition dreams from the other types is an inability to let it go. Just like with psychic nudges you experience in your waking life, you can’t shake the message from a premonition dream and you usually can’t get back to sleep.

With all premonitions, the moment you learn of the future, you can take action to change it. Of course this means you never know for certain if it was, in fact, a premonition dream, because you have changed course.

If you dream of being in a car accident and you decide to work from home, the car accident might not happen, because you were a key factor in it’s occurrence. Alternatively, the car accident may still happen along your commute, but you won’t be harmed because you stayed home.

This is the frustrating thing about premonitions of all kinds, there are so many moving parts and variables that aren’t fully understood, you never know which piece will change the outcome.

And when you take into account your intention: what you think, feel and do, it becomes a whole lot more complicated.

Premonition dreams can be frightening, especially if they are warning you of dangers. You may mistake it for a nightmare.

Of course, not all prophetic dreams are warnings of danger. These are just the shocking and memorable ones. Prophetic dreams can also foretell of blessings and joys.

Soul Lessons

Soul lesson dreams are messages from your higher self in which there is a lesson for you to learn or a topic that you need to explore.

As you continue to pay attention to and record your dreams, you continue to build this bridge between your subconscious and conscious mind. This also creates a connection to the superconscious.

The collective unconscious is an energy field where all the thoughts of humanity are stored. An ocean of knowledge. It is a higher plane of existence and you will sometimes experience your superconscious accessing these divine teachings and spiritual lessons in your dreams.

If you want to receive more dreams like this you will need to set your intention and reprogram your mind to connect with your higher self. You may even invite your guides in to help you with this process.

This is also the first step toward lucid dreaming and making changes in your dreams while you are still dreaming.

The previous dream types engage your conscious, subconscious and superconscious minds. When they work together, you can learn to communicate with spirits and loved ones.

Spirit Communication

Spirit communication dreams are dreams where you are visited by a deceased loved one or a spirit guide in order to communicate.

These dreams aren’t about subconscious prophesies, or working through something in your conscious mind. They're not about the lessons of your soul. In these dreams someone pass through the veil between the physical and spiritual realms.

They might visit to let you know they are okay and still around in an effort to bring you comfort. Another reason is to provide guidance or information on current issues. Spirits have a broader scope of understanding and can offer insights that you might not have considered. If you are a medium you likely have already experienced communication with spirits in your waking life.

If you haven’t opened up these abilities in yourself, you may find your first encounter is in your sleep. You may even have had a dream where you communicated with a spirit but thought it was just a regular dream.

You can tell the difference between a spirit communication dream and a dream where you just wish you could communicate with a loved one who has passed on.

You will know it was a spirit communication dream if you find that you have information you couldn’t otherwise know when you wake, like where to find something or information about another person. It’s likely you communicated with a spirit in your dream if you also receive prophetic information, that later comes true. If when you wake you can feel their energy, maybe a familiar smell or another sensory clue, then you may have had a visit in your dream. Goosebumps are another indicator of spirit communication dreams, but not always. Sometimes goosebumps indicate strong emotions, which you would certainly feel if you dreamt about someone you love.


Thank you so much for reading!

To sum up, in this post we talked about what dreams are and where they might come from. We also learned about four different types of dreams that help you interact with your intuition and receive psychic messages: daily life dreams, psychic premonition dreams, soul lesson dreams, and spirit communication dreams.

If you want to learn more about interpreting your dreams and go beyond simply recognizing the type of dream you experienced, I hope you’ll join us in the Mumbleship where you can watch the rest of this masterclass and download the dream journal template and dream exercises I mentioned earlier.

Join us in the Talk Witchcraft Facebook group to chat about this episode with other witchy folks.

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Want More Dream Information?

Chapter 8 of my book Practical Magic for Beginners is all about interpreting your dreams.

In this chapter, you will learn what dreams are and where they come from, how to remember them, and, perhaps most important, how to interpret the messages they are sending you.

See this content in the original post

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Now it’s your turn!

Share about your dreamtime experiences. Have you had one or more of the dreams discussed in this blog post? What do you think the message was?